We are excited to support Meadows’ first annual 6th grade overnight field trip. Meadows’ 6th graders will spend 1.5 days in Flagstaff, Arizona on May 17, 2023 through May 18, 2023. While in Flagstaff, students will engage in educational programming at Lowell’s Observatory. In partnership with Meadows’ science teachers, Lowell Observatory staff will lead students through lessons including viewing the nighttime sky, learning about discoveries made at Lowell’s Observatory, and expanding on their knowledge of matter, energy, and the solar system and universe. Students will also get to experience college dorm life at Northern Arizona University, where they will be spending the night. The cost for this field trip is $140 per student.
Help Make This Trip a Success!
In order to make this field trip a success, we need help from the Meadows community. Here’s how you can help:
- Donate. Help fund a scholarship for a student in need. Student scholarships ensure financial limitations do not prohibit any student from participating. Go to Powerschool to help fund a scholarship. You can also donate any amount directly to PTM to help us cover additional costs associated with the trip. Your business can also sponsor the trip. Donate a minimum of $250 and your business logo will appear on the field trip t-shirt. Go here now to donate!
- Volunteer. From helping to collect and organize snacks and water to helping us fundraise, we need you! Contact our field trip committee chairs Stephanie Hendriks ([email protected]) and Amy Hsiung ([email protected]) to volunteer.
- Chaperone. We need chaperones for the trip! Complete this form to apply as a chaperone. Applying does not guarantee that you will be chosen to chaperone.
Important Dates
February 1, 2023 – Field Trip Commitment and Chaperone Interest Forms Due
Your student’s science teacher has emailed each 6th grade student’s parent or guardian the Field Trip Commitment Form and Chaperone Interest Form. Please complete the Field Trip Commitment Form (and Chaperone Interest Form if interested in chaperoning the trip) by no later than February 1, 2023. You can find the Field Trip Commitment Form here and Chaperone Interest Form here.
February 7, 2023 5:00pm – 6:00pm – Field Trip Informational Meeting
Have questions about the field trip? Please join us in the Meadows Cafeteria on February 7 from 5:00 – 6:00 pm to learn more details about the trip and to get your questions answered.
February 17, 2023 – First Payment Due
First payment of $70 is due by February 17. You may pay the entire amount of $140 by this date if you wish. To make your payment online, you must go through PowerSchool. Here are more detailed instructions:
- Go to PowerSchool parent portal and log in
- Click on “Purchases and Payments” in the menu on the left
- Click on your student’s name. Then click Pay Fines/Fees. You should see a fee for “6th Grade Field Trip Fee.”
- Enter the amount you’d like to pay in the 6th Grade Field Trip Fee category. If you’d like to donate money toward the field trip scholarship fund, via Powerschool as well. Then click the blue Buy button. The fee will be added to your Cart at this time.
- Click the Check Out button in the top right corner to be taken to your cart.
- Once in your cart, you can complete the checkout process by entering your credit or debit card information & clicking on the Submit Payment button.
- You should receive an emailed copy of your receipt upon payment. Forward a copy of your payment receipt to your student’s science teacher and Maria in the front office ([email protected]). Include your student’s name in the subject line of your email. (We will run a payment report on our end, but we suggest you do this as a back-up.)
Payments may also be made in person by credit card or check in the Meadows front office. If you have questions about payments, please contact the front office at (602) 664-7600 or email [email protected].
If you’d like to apply for a scholarship, please reach out to Maria Rowell ([email protected]) in the Meadows Front Office or Becki Williams ([email protected]), the school’s Social Worker.
February 17, 2023 – Forms Due
Your student’s science teacher has emailed each 6th grade student’s parent or guardian the packet of forms required to be completed. Please print out attachments D-J and complete the hard copies of the forms. If you need the forms printed for you, please go to the Meadows Front Office to request a copy. Attachment K is completed online and does not require a hard copy to be turned in. You can find digital copies of the required forms here. Hard copies of Forms D-J must be completed and returned to your student’s science teacher by no later than February 17, 2023. Form K must also be completed online by no later than February 17, 2023.
March 24, 2023 – Final Payment Due
Final payment due. Please follow the above Powerschool payment instructions.
May 2, 2023 6:00pm – 7:00pm – Mandatory Parent / Guardian Meeting
Read here.
The Parent / Guardian meeting is mandatory for all students who will attend the 6th Grade trip. Details about the trip, including daily schedule, student expectations, lodging information, transportation information, and more will be discussed and questions will be answered.
A mandatory chaperone meeting will take place immediately after the parent / guardian meeting.
May 17, 2023 – Luggage and Medication Drop-Off
Students arrive at school with enough time to drop off their luggage before school starts (8:00 to 8:30 am). They will attend Periods 1 – 5 (includes lunch). Student and chaperone luggage must be dropped off before school starts between the hours of 8:00-8:30 am.
Please follow these instructions when preparing the luggage:
- All student and chaperone luggage must be labeled on the outside with the student/chaperone’s name and first period teacher.
- Place ALL sleeping bags/bedding in one bag. The bag must be labeled on the outside with the student/chaperone’s name and first period teacher.
- Place ALL student prescription medication in a resealable ziplock bag labeled with the student’s name and first period teacher. Medication must be in the original bottle with the student’s name and directions listed.
Be sure to check the luggage in with a volunteer when you drop it off. Go here to view the packing list.
May 18, 2023
Buses will return to Meadows at approximately 4pm. Please make the necessary arrangements for your student to be picked up at Madison Meadows. All luggage must be picked up at this time as well. Students are not allowed to walk or bike home.