Volunteering your time, skills, and resources is one of the most powerful ways to make a difference, to help others, and as it turns out, to enhance your wellbeing. Volunteering has been shown to give you a sense of accomplishment and to increase feelings of happiness.
Here are some upcoming volunteer opportunities at Meadows:
Here are the various committees and their duties as well as timing of commitments:
Art Masterpiece Program
Volunteers prepare and present a talk on a renowned artist or art work in the classrooms and coordinate a hands-on art project. An art background is not necessary as training sessions are held for all volunteers and all materials and information are provided. Timing: School year – weekly or singular presentation (depending on volunteer availability)
Committee Chair: Brandee Wessel
Bingo Night Committee
Committee Co-Chair(s): Rae Speciale & Erin Seelbaugh
Craft Night
Committee Co-Chair(s): Alison Robinson & Jennifer Racer
Book Fair
Volunteers set up, tear down, work with students and families at the book fair, work the cash register. Timing: Twice per year
Committee Chair: Janice Hebert
Camp Friendly Pines
Volunteers plan events to raise money for Camp Friendly Pines (5th Grade class trip). Act as a point of contact for the 5th grade team to communicate to parents. Timing: School year For more information on Camp Friendly Pines visit the Camp Friendly Pines page
Committee Co-Chair(s): Nichole Daudet & Jenna Smith
Copy Cats
Coordinate volunteers to prepare copies for teachers and staff.
Timing: School Year (when your schedule allows)
Committee Chair: Katilynn Brimhall
Dads’ Club
To promote fundraising and philanthropy in the Meadows community. The Dad’s Club will meet monthly and make plans to help bolster the fundraising efforts of PTM as well as plan philanthropic events in the community. Timing: School Year
Committee Chair: [email protected]
Best Buddies
Act as liaison between PTM and Best Buddies Progam. Report to PTM meetings. Timing: School year
Committee Chair: Blaire Hinks
Fall Family Fun Fest & Spring Fling
Committee Chair: Katie Effa
Future 5th Grader (Formerly: RAM Round Up)
Plan event for 4th Grade Simis students & their families to visit Meadows. Coordinate volunteers, student leaders and PTM to staff event. Timing: April
Committee Chair: Open Opportunity email Charlotte, PTM President
Green Team
Committee Chair: Sara Santibanez
Holiday Party
Host and/or help plan holiday party with PATS first Friday of December. Meadows hosts event every other year (our year is 2021). Coordinate pot luck dishes, decorations, donations, etc.
Committee Chair: Marisela Sermeño
Meadows Got Talent Committee
Committee Co-Chairs: Melissa Cooper, Stephanie Stoner & Jill Woodhull
Picture Day Committee
The committee will coordinate a schedule of volunteers to help with picture day. Pictures will be taken on campus twice a year (Fall/Spring). Timing: Fall and Spring (1-2 days)
Committee Chair: Julie Mininberg
RAMazon – PBIS Store
Committee Chair: Marina Bilgin
Reward Program Coordinator
Monitor and enroll people for our rewards programs. Help PTM get the funds, etc. from these business supporters: AmazonSmile, Tuft & Needle, Fry’s, eScrip, etc. Timing: School year (heavy at the beginning of year)
Coordinator: Open Opportunity email Charlotte, PTM President
Sports Booster Athletic Admin Chair
Admin Chair works with Athletic Director to help track athletes, paperwork and fee payments, and uniform information that coaches collect.
Banner chair finds donors to purchase athletic banners. Mail out sponsorship brochures to local business and work with printing company to create banners.
Timing: School Year
Committee Chair: Chris Goodfarb
Spirit Wear Sales
Spirit wear will be ordered online this year. The Chair will help to distribute merchandise once it arrives. Timing: School year
Committee Chair: Lindsay Clifford
Teacher & Staff Appreciation Appreciation
Plans various events and special happenings for teachers and staff, organize volunteer time and donations. May include: back to school luncheon, teacher conferences dinner/snacks, teacher appreciation week Timing: School Year
Committee Chair: Tara Allen & Laura Costa
Teacher Supply Closet Chair
Committee Chair: Melisa Camp
Website Chair
Committee Chair: Dawn Moseke
Welcome Committee
Help with summer orientation event. Coordinate volunteers, PTM and student leaders for in-person registration if applicable. Timing: July
Committee Chair: Charlotte Shaff
6th Grade Trip
Committee Co-Chairs: Nastosha Roberts & Marina Bilgin
8th Grade Promotion
Volunteers coordinate commencement activities: donations, water park day, dance, picture day, commencement event. Timing: School year
For more information visit the 8th Grade Commencement Page
Committee Co-Chairs: Lily Randall & Lori Takeuchi