Help us raise $2,304
Did you know the Ceramics program at Meadows recycled 1000 pounds of Clay BY HAND this semester!?
It costs about $23 per student to run this program. While the district is very supportive, we are running into challenges to fully fund equipment for the program. We need an important and expensive piece of equipment called a PUG MILL to help us with our recycling process.
Thankfully the Madison Education Foundation has granted us $4,696 to get us started.
We still need $2,304.
How to help:
- Participate in the Ornament Fundraiser through NJHS.
- Make a Tax Deductible donation to PTM here for the Ceramics Program.
- Make a Tax Credit donation to Meadows for the Ceramics Program here
About Ceramics
Ceramics class fosters creativity, fine motor skills, problem-solving, cultural appreciation, patience, stress reduction, teamwork, interdisciplinary connections, and a sense of accomplishment through hands-on projects with clay.
Meadows has grown the ceramic program to teach over 200 students the art of clay each year!
DID YOU KNOW? Clay can be used indefinitely! Ceramics is a messy process but it keeps the clay out of landfills and saves our program money.