Want to get in free? Volunteer at the Meadows Family Fun Fest!
We need volunteers for set up, during, and after: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/9040949A4AF2AA5FC1-45320855-meadows
Admission: $5 a person when purchased online, bracelets passed out Nov 3 in 8th Period. https://meadowsptm.org/product/fall-family-fun-fest-2023/
$10 at the door (cash preferred.)
Buy tickets to use to purchase items sold by clubs here or at the event: https://meadowsptm.org/product/fall-family-fun-fest-concession-tickets-2023/
Kids 5 and under FREE.
Want to get involved in another way? Please contact our chair: katieeffa @ gmail . com